Wednesday, February 17, 2010

BMA Training Workshop

Starmanship & Associates, a leading provider of training services in Lebanon and the region, presented "Know your True Color" to the Beirut Marathon Association's Team.

The workshop took place at the BMA offices on January 28 nad 29, 2010.

Special Thanks to Ms. Rita Diab

Beirut Marathon Association Races 2010 calendar

27/ 28 March: Damascus to beirut RUN (111 Km)

23 May: Marjeyoun - South lebanon (2 Km / 5 Km / 14 Km)

8 August: Baalbeck International race Bekaa - (3 Km / 7 Km / 21 Km)

7 November 2010: BLOM Beirut Marathon - Beirut (3 Km / 10 Km / 42.195 Km)